nmap-cgi project
Nmap-cgi is a web-portscanner that use nmap to make his scans. It is written in Perl and run on *nix machines. Initially made during the SoC program, this project was developped by the Nmap project
- Separate privileges and rights into groups
- Many rights for each nmap option
- Three type of scans : single, scheduled and periodic
- The scan-output is available in a text and xml file (with XSLT stylesheet)
- OS detection
- Support TCP and UDP
- Scan an IP address, a hostname or a subnet
A directory especially made for the documentation is available in the distribution. It contains several files :
installation notes. It will describe how install the programSECURITY
security notes, document about the security in the program.FAQ
updated in each distribution, this file contains the Freqently asked questions.
Contact and bugreporting
You can contact the team on the nmap-dev list. You have to subscribe to post on this list. Nmap hackers can help you encounters problems.
Lastest stable
The lastest stable version is the 1.0. You can download it on this link : nmap-cgi-1.0.tgz
Older versions
Unstable source on subversion
You can download the source with subversion and you can browse them on the web with svnweb. To download lastest source, run the following command.
svn co svn://svn.tuxfamily.org/svnroot/nmapcgi/hostednmap nmap-cgi
Copyright and authors
This project was developped by the Nmap project and Julien Delange. This is copyright (c) 2006 Nmap project.